Author Guidelines
JPBIO (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi) receiving manuscripts in the fields of biology and biology education that have never been published and are not currently in the process of publication elsewhere. JPBIO (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi) was published twice a year, in April and November as well as at least 5 articles per issue. The manuscript is written in English. All submitted manuscripts will be initially reviewed by the editorial board, and are then evaluated by two reviewers through the double-blind review process and carried out a plagiarism check. The manuscript file must be submitted in the form of Microsoft Word (.doc), the format by a template of JPBIO (Jurnal pendidikan Biologi) as well as a copyright transfer form in the form of Portable Document Format (PDF) on supplementary files.
The manuscripts submitted must be in the form of Microsoft Word, one column using A4 paper size, the margin for all sides is 2,54 cm (top, left, right, and bottom). The whole work must be written in Centeur, font size 12. The number of manuscripts is between 5-15 pages.
The manuscript must contain the following sections in order:
1. Title, Authors Name, and Affiliation
The title is written using Centaur with size 14 and a single space. The title must describe the main contents of the text, informative, concise, not wordy (5-15 words), do not contain formulas and symbols, and avoid writing the name of the research place. The author's name is written in full without a degree. Affiliation includes the name of the institution and address (including street, city, postcode, country, and email). If in one article there are several names of authors with the same affiliation, then the affiliation is only written once. Every author's email must be included in the manuscript and Open Journal System (OJS).
The abstract contains important research problems, aims, research methods, results, discussion, and conclusions. The abstract must be approximately 150-200 words. Abstract written single space using Centaur and font size 12. Below the abstract, 3-5 keywords must be written.
The introduction contains the problem (State of the Art), Gap analysis with existing research, and solutions (Novelty). Every statement written in the introduction must be supported by references (prioritizing the research results). The introduction must not be wordy and may not exceed two pages. Avoid writing one paragraph one sentence. The final part of the introduction must include the research aims.
The main materials of the research method include (1) research design, (2) population and samples; (3)Â instruments; (4) procedures; and (5) data analysis. The research design includes the research methods and design used. The research design can be presented in a table or figure. The population and sample of research include the total population and samples as well as sampling techniques. Make sure the reason why using the sampling technique. The research instrument includes tools or devices used in research. The instrument used must be clear in terms of type, number, and indicator measured. It must be ensured that the instrument is suitable for use in research. The research procedures include all the steps carried out during the research. All research procedures are written in paragraphs, not in item list/numbering form. If there is a forced list/numbering item, but it is written in paragraph form. Data analysis techniques include all the analysis needed to address the problem or research aims.
The research results presented are findings from the research results and not raw data. Research results can be displayed in tables or figures and given information that is easy to understand. Avoid statements in sentences that show tables or figures using the word "below or above".
This section discusses all research findings supported by supporting references. References that support the discussion are suggested from the results of previous studies and should not be more than the last 10 years. The discussion section must contain elements (what else) to compare whether or not the results of the research are carried out with previous research or others. The discussion also includes an element (why) which shows the relationship between the results obtained and the basic concepts and or hypotheses.
Conclusions must answer the problem or research objectives, or can also produce a new theory or concept based on existing facts/analysis. Conclusions emphasize the novelty of the discovery or development carried out. Conclusions are written in one paragraph in a concise, concise, and clear manner and written in paragraph form, not in the form of item list/numbering. If you have suggestions from the research you can state them briefly and clearly.
Acknowledgments contain appreciation given by the authors to all those who have contributed to the research.
References come from primary sources (example: Journal, paper, thesis, dissertation) of at least 80% and secondary sources (example: books) a maximum of 20%. The minimum number of references is 20 references. Reference writing is recommended to use Mendeley, EndNote, Zotero, or other programs. Reference writing is written using APA Style 6th Edition.
Examples of references writing from books:
Anderson, & Khrathwohl. (2001). A Taxonomy for learning, teaching and assessing; a revision of Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives. NY: Addison Wesley Longman Inc.
Darmadi, D. (2011). Membentuk peradaban bangsa melalui pendidikan multietnik. Bandung: Alfabet.
Examples of references writing from paper, thesis, dissertation:
Bustami, Y. (2009). Pendekatan sains teknologi masyarakat (STM) untuk meningkatkan penguasaan konsep dan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa SMA pada subtopik pencemaran air. Thesis. Pascasarjana UPI Bandung, Bandung.
Idayanti. (2017). Hubungan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan kesadaran metakognitif dengan hasil belajar biologi siswa kelas xı ıpa sma negeri di kabupaten pinrang. Thesis. Makassar: Universitas Negeri Makassar.
Examples of reference writing from articles that have DOI:
Antika, L.T., & Haikal, L. (2019). Keterampilan mengajar mahasiswa calon guru biologi: Analisis berbasis gender. JPBIO (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi), 4(2), 101-107. Retrieved from
Hidayati, N., Irmawati, F., & Prayitno, T.A. (2019). Peningkatan keterampilan berpikir kritis mahasiswa biologi melalui multimedia stem education. JPBIO (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi), 4(2), 84-92. Retrieved from
Examples of reference writing from articles in webs:
Komalasari, K. (2012). The effect of contextual learning in civic education on students’ civic skills. International Journal for Educational Studies, 4(2), 179-190. Retrieved from
Whitney, E.M., Aleksejuniene J., & Walton, J.N. (2016). Critical thinking disposition and skills in dental students: development and relationship to academic outcomes. Journal of Dental Education, 80(8), 948-958. Retrieved from
Examples of references writing from articles in proceedings:
Prajoko, S., Sudarisman, S., & Sutarno. (2012). Pembelajaran invertebrata model PBM dengan menggunakan multimedia film dokumenter dan multimedia animasi ditinjau dari gaya belajar dan kreativitas. Proceeding Biology Education Conference, 9(1), 218-226. Retrieved from
Warni, Sunyono, & Rosidin. (2018). Measuring metacognitive ability based on science literacy in dynamic electricity topic. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 948(1), 012041. Retrieved from