Critical thinking skills of high school students material invertebrates trought guided inquiry assitend mind mapping

Indah Permata, Jumrodah Jumrodah, Nanik Lestariningsih


The inquiry learning model can help students learn independently in solving problems and providing solutions. The study aims to identify improvements in students' critical thinking skills on invertebrate material through guided inquiry-assisted mind mapping. The type of research used is pre-experimental research with a one-group pretest-postest design. The population in this study was an entire MIA X class, consisting of 16 samples. The test instrument is used as a double-selection test (PG) with 20 reasonable questions about invertebrate material. Sampling is done using probability sampling with saturated sampling. Guided inquiry learning activities assisted by mind mapping are carried out in six stages. 1) presenting questions or problems; 2) making hypotheses; 3) designing experiments; 4) conducting experiments to obtain information; 5) collecting and analyzing data; 6) drawing conclusions. The results of this study show that any critical thinking skill indicator, i.e., focusing questions, analyzing arguments, asking or answering a question, investigating and/or considering observation reports, considering credible sources, taking into account valuable opinions, making and/or considering inductions, identifying assumptions, identifying terms and/or considering definitions, and determining an action, produces a significance of 0.000 < of 0.05, which means there is an influence of the learning model on critical thinking skills.

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