Student response to the development of android-based interactive multimedia on mushroom materials in high school

Veni Wulandari, Aunurrahman Aunurrahman, Indri Astuti


The current development of science and technology demands learning that is easily accessible to students. The presence of technology in learning biology is very important in improving the quality of learning. One of the technologies that can be used in biology learning is Android-based interactive multimedia. The purpose of this study was to determine student responses to android-based interactive multimedia on mushroom material in high school so that learning biology using these learning applications can develop properly according to student needs. This research is quantitative descriptive. The data collection technique used a response questionnaire which contained 5 aspects and 21 statement items (validity results Vcount (1.00) ≥ Vtable (1.00)). The five aspects of the student response questionnaire used were fun, interest, liveliness, ease and interest. The results showed that the student responses in the field trial class were in the "Very Good" category with an average of 97.3. Thus it can be concluded that the android-based interactive multimedia application on mushroom material has received a positive response from students and is practically used as a medium to help students in learning ease and interest.


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