Analysis of high school students’ self-confidance in biology learning
Self-confidence is one of the important aspects that every individual must possess in life. This research aims to analyze the self-confidence of students in biology learning at High School. This research uses a quantitative approach with a descriptive method. The population in this study were X MIPA class students of SMAÂ 3 Polewali in West Sulawesi with a sample of 116 students. The research instrument used in this study is a non-test instrument, namely a self-confidence questionnaire. This instrument is based on four indicators of students' self-confidence in learning biology: believing in one's abilities, making independent decisions, having a positive self-concept, and being willing to express opinions. The findings obtained from this study indicate a percentage of 65.0% or state that the majority of students at SMA 3 Polewali in West Sulawesi have self-confidence. Students' confidence has the potential to increase motivation and student learning outcomes in biology learning by integrating innovative learning strategies, allowing most students to participate in biology teaching and learning activities effectively and optimally, thus achieving educational objectives.
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