Pengembangan asesmen kompetensi pedagogik pada mahasiswa calon guru biologi
Instumen penilaian pedagogik belum maksimal digunakan di FKIP Universitas Kuningan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan asesmen pedagogik yang dapat mengukur kompetensi pedagogik pada mahasiswa calon guru biologi dengan menggunakan rubrik penilaian. Metode penelitian adalah research and development. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan lembar validasi tim expert, lembar kuesioner respon mahasiswa. Hasil uji validasi tim ahli didapat rata-rata skor 4,18 (sangat valid), hasil uji kelayakan didapat nilai sebesar 83% (sangat layak). Hasil Pengujian validitas instrument diperoleh nilai KMO pada asesmen kemampuan merancang pembelajaran sebesar 0,55>0,5, asesmen melaksanakan pembelajaran 0,50>0,5, asesmen mengevaluasi 0,74>0,5 dan secara keseluruhan nilai KMO>0,5. Hasil penilaian kompetensi pedagogik mahasiswa ujicoba 1 menunjukkan 80% berada level kompeten secara parsial dalam merancang pembelajaran, 56% berada pada level kompeten dalam melaksanakan simulasi pembelajaran, 32% berada pada level kompeten parsial dalam melakukan evaluasi pembelajaran, sehingga dapat disimpulkan valid dan layak untuk digunakan.
Kata kunci: Asesmen, kompetensi, pedagogik, mahasiswa calon guru
Development of pedagogical competency assessment in pre-service teacher of biology. Pedagogical assessment instruments have not been used maximally at FKIP Universitas Kuningan. This research aims to develop pedagogical assessments that can measure pedagogical competencies in Biology pre-service teacher by using an assessment rubrik. The research method was research and development. Data collection was carried out using expert team validation sheets, student response questionnaire sheets. The results of the expert team validation test obtained an average score is 4.18 (very valid), the feasibility test results obtained a value is 83% (very feasible). The instrument testing the validity results value in the assessment of the ability to design learning is 0.55>0.5, the assessment to carry out learning is 0.50>0.5, the evaluation evaluates is 0.74>0.5, overall value is KMO > 0.5. The pedagogical competency evaluation results of pilot 1 showed students were partially competent in designing learning is 80%, students were at the competent level in carrying out learning simulations is 56%, students were partial competence in evaluating learning is 32%, so that are concluded valid and can using.
Keywords: Assessment, competency, pedagogical, pre-service teacher
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