Kata kunci: SIMDA Keuangan & Evaluasi
Abstract : This type of the research is part of a qualitative descriptive study aimed at the application of SIMDA Finance in the Tolitoli Regency Environmental Office. With the explanation of descriptive analysis, it is explained that the application of SIMDA Finance in the Tolitoli District Environmental Office can help interested parties such as the Budget User Authority (KPA), the Acting Activity Officer (PPK), the Head of the Sub Division (Head of Finance) and the administrative operators and Computerization related to the SIMDA Financial Application and can also provide convenience and savings in terms of economic financing (costs) so that it is no longer a burden of greater expenditure for institutions. From the results obtained, there is a significant difference between the use of Microsoft-owned Software (Excel) and the SIMDA Financial Application. Based on measurement indicators that produce quality information obtained from speed, accuracy and accuracy, the use of the SIMDA Financial Application is superior.
Keywords: SIMDA Finance & EvaluationFull Text:
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31932/jpe.v5i1.716
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