The Potential of the zingiberaceae family as spice plants medicinal effectiveness

Florentina Rahayu Esti Wahyuni, Benediktus Ege, Yakobus Bustami


This research was motivated by the absence of previous research that examined the potential of the Zingiberaceae family as a spice plant's medicinal effectiveness in the Dayak Linoh tribe in Belonsat Village. This can result in a loss of knowledge regarding that, so it is necessary to have a device that is used to document in writing the potential of the Zingiberaceae family as spice plants' medicinal effectiveness in the Dayak Linoh tribe at Belonsat Village. This research aims to 1) identify types of medicinal spice plants from the Zingiberaceae family in the Dayak Linoh tribe, 2) identify parts of medicinal spice plants from the Zingiberaceae family in the Linoh Dayak tribe, 3) identify how to use medicinal spice plants from the Zingiberaceae family in the Dayak Linoh tribe. This research uses a qualitative approach, the research methods used include surveys and interviews. The results of the research found 8 types of medicinal spice plants from the Zingiberacea family. The part of the plant that is most widely used is the rhizome, then there is 1 type of plant that uses flowers and young stems. Then, there are 11 methods used to use spice plants as medicinal ingredients, then there are 12 types of diseases that are believed to be able to be treated using types of spice plants from the Zingiberaceae family.

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