Table of Contents
Relationship between knowledge and reproductive health attitudes with early marriage at gowa regency high school
DOI : 10.31932/jpbio.v9i2.3194
Nur Rahma Nita, Andi Asmawati Azis, Adnan Adnan
Implementation of the ASICC learning model to improve the metacognitive students' based on lesson study extracts
DOI : 10.31932/jpbio.v9i2.3444
Ro'ikatul Jannah, Budi Purwoko, Elysabet Herawati, Poppy Rahmatika Primandiri, Agus Muji Santoso
The learning strategy for biodiversity concept: Pedagogical analysis based on technological pedagogical and content knowledge
DOI : 10.31932/jpbio.v9i2.3570
Mohammad Farhan Umar, Ghurrotul Bariroh, Novi Dewi Khadikatul Jannah, Adi Rahmat, Riandi Riandi
Student’s scientific argumentation skills in biology: A gender-based analysis
DOI : 10.31932/jpbio.v9i2.3684
Hoirun Nisak, Linda Tri Antika
Microbiological quality analysis of grouper salted fish (Epinephelus Fuscoguttatus) in several traditional markets in ambon
DOI : 10.31932/jpbio.v9i2.3709
Gratia Talakua, Melda Yunita, Anggun Lestary Husein
Development of multiple-representation based E-LKPD to improve students' scientific reasoning in classification of living things
DOI : 10.31932/jpbio.v9i2.3770
I Ketut Mahardika, Wachju Subchan, Rina Fatiya Rosida
Diversity of plant as a complementary to the staple food of dawanese east nusa tenggara
DOI : 10.31932/jpbio.v9i2.3915
Dicky Frengky Hanas, Emilia Juliyanti Bria, Elinora Naikteas Bano
The development of website-based encyclopedia media on laboratory equipment material for laboratory engineering courses
DOI : 10.31932/jpbio.v9i2.3847
Nurfitri AR, Jamilah Jamilah, Syahriani Syahriani, Syamsul Syamsul
Augmented reality borobudur temple: Development of the aves booklet on the avadana relief story
DOI : 10.31932/jpbio.v9i2.3596
Mia Saktian Dini, Ericka Darmawan, Ika Sukmawati
The e-guidebook feasibility phytoplankton in the bongkok river as learning media for plant-like protists
DOI : 10.31932/jpbio.v9i2.3788
Armawati Armawati, Entin Daningsih, Wolly Candramila
Booklet development based on identification of medicinal plants in cempaka lake and hill, kebumen regency
DOI : 10.31932/jpbio.v9i2.3500
Ericka Darmawan, Serafica Btari Christiyani Kusumaningrum, Andira Yufita
Integration of ethnoscience and science in making banana cake as a learning media
DOI : 10.31932/jpbio.v9i2.3913
Tania Amanda, Indah Kencanawati, Novinovrita M
Development biology reference book-based utilization telang flower (Clitoria ternatea L.) for food packaging natural indicators
DOI : 10.31932/jpbio.v9i2.3569
Rahmawati Eka Noviyanti, Serafica Btari Christiyani Kusumaningrum, Ericka Darmawan
Adelia Maisyaroh Lubis, Sri Jayanthi, Setyoko Setyoko, Guswarni Pranata, Rizkan Azhari Tanjung, Muhammad Hafizi Abadi
Implementing the TPACK model to enhance learning outcomes of future biology teachers for the digital era
DOI : 10.31932/jpbio.v9i2.3940
Saiman Rosamsi, Nia Nurdiani
The impact of differentiated learning in team-based project on undergraduate students' design thinking mindset
DOI : 10.31932/jpbio.v9i2.3948
Fitri Astriawati, Jodion Siburian, Lely Mardiyanti
Optimization of onion peels in the control of hydroponic brassica rapa L pests
DOI : 10.31932/jpbio.v9i2.3968
Fatimah Fatimah, Nanik Lestariningsih, Sondra Swestyani
The healthy diet effect with project based learning animation on student concentration and learning outcomes
DOI : 10.31932/jpbio.v9i2.3999
Rizal Mukra, Dewi Ratna Sari Ulina Silalahi, Safira Salsabilla Ayudia Balqis Sembiring, Viony Azzahra Ritonga, Dwi Fadhillah Putri, Allysha Dinda Putri
Product awareness and learning motivation on plantae topics through project-based learning with halal literacy
DOI : 10.31932/jpbio.v9i2.4008
Muhammad Taufiq Firdaus, Ismi Ayu Wulandari, Neneng Windayani, Asep Supriadin